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Old 24 Mar 2015, 07:13   #53
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Originally Posted by Mr. Happy View Post
I know this is a painfully stupid question (and probably not worth resurrecting a thread as ancient as this over), but I have to ask...what sort of quality are the studio recordings of Unsaid and Decadent Wish like? I've been hunting down decent quality versions of these two for years while also trying to avoid spending a fortune on getting them shipped from the other side of the world, but all the ones I can find online are rubbish and I'm at the point now where I can't stomach the staticy reverb anymore. The hi hats on Unsaid sound like tin foil. It's almost like each and every place you can get these from online got it from the same source, and that initial source was terrible. From what I've found, Decadent Wish is a little better than Unsaid, but it's still not fantastic.

The recordings on the CHSIB/DIST singles have to be much better, right? If I was to put them in a playlist with the other songs from the album, would I notice a difference in quality? I'm assuming they are a lot better (surely they wouldn't be officially released in bootleg quality), and that's why I think this is a stupid question, but I just find it confusing that they only seem to be available in terrible quality no matter where I look. That, and I want to be certain before I buy the listing of Unsaid that's been tempting me for the last week on eBay
CHeck my youtube or give me or EVil One a PM.

We are bound to have it
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