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Old 04 Jun 2013, 15:11   #54
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Profiteering is morally wrong, and always has some impact surely? There may be differences in the scale of both .. eg arguably the most morally wrong with the biggest impact is the black market purchase and trading of relief food in countries where the people are starving. But arguing that ticket touting is worse or better than profiteering from signed items is a bit of an imponderable. Trying to quantify the impact of this or that form is not simple .. eg who's to say which potential loss is worse to an individual .. the ability to afford a concert seat closer to the stage, or an autographed photo? .. or whether a celebrity might be so irritated by profiteering from sales of something they have habitually either given and/or sold at a low and reasonable price, that they decide simply not to give or sell any in future? Point is you cannot necessarily judge the potential impact .. and it's pretty reprehensible imo, all of it.
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