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Old 31 May 2013, 15:57   #28
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post
So a fist bump is the new hug huh I always wondered what he does to work his way around that...He doesn't openly say he doesn't want hugs in Meat n Greets does he? And you do still get a handshake don't you?
VIPNation brief you before going in .. no grabbing, hugging or trying to kiss. As to handshakes .. it depends. He started off shaking hands .. then they had to postpone two shows .. who could fairly blame him being super cautious after that? At Cardiff he was under instructions not to even put his arm round people during photos, which he clearly found difficult. By the time he was back from Germany, he was putting his arm round people for photos, but not shaking hands. Fist bump is safer than shaking hands, when most germs transfer. How many people would not go in because they thought they might be coming down with something? How many other wouldn't even know they were?

It's Meat you meet at the M&G, a chance to have a brief chat, be entertained by a charming and kindly man. He doesn't openly say he doesn't want hugs, no. He's a very tactile person who would naturally reach out to people. But he hates to let thousands of others down by not being able to perform. There's a joy in meeting him imo .. and the level to which he's relaxed and comfortable with shaking hands, hugging etc or not, doesn't stop it being a great experience .. he doesn't need to be handled like a commodity .. lol.

A picture would of course be the perfect memory but not easy to get. Though I suppose he is a lot different when meeting him in non-tour times ? (tapings for TV-shows, film sets)
I doubt he'd welcome it on a film set At TV shows, signings etc .. he's the same friendly, unpretentious, charming and easy man he is at M&Gs. Only thing that could get in the way might be other personnel (eg security at signings/golf tournaments) or one's own expectations I suppose

When he's travelling it's clearly hard for him if people try and grab him (as we heard recently on here) .. he may be in a hurry to get into his hotel, onto the tour bus, catch a plane. He's gracious .. but it's HIS time after all, he's often exhausted, worried about getting into the warm because he stands or falls by his voice, his throat, his sinuses. He's a person .. and however much he cares for his fans (and he does care very much), he has many concerns beyond those who try and get his attention as he's moving through a busy and testing schedule. I think he really understands why they do .. but just wants them to understand why he can't always oblige .. fair really
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