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Old 02 Jan 2013, 17:09   #17
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 07.02.2003
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Originally Posted by wolfy35 View Post
Think it's more to do with the way the music industry in general works these days.

If you are a long established star like Meat, Stones, Who, Springsteen etc to a certain extent you get to do whatever you want because of a large loyal fanbase.

Anyone else & record & promotions companies can make more money from here today gone tomorrow acts like the ones that we get from X factor, Teen acts like Bieber etc so unless you are willing to dance by their no matter how good you are tune they don't want to know you.

Bonnie is talented & has a loyal fan base but unfortunately its not big enough for the record companies to take enough notice to promote her and that my friends is a sad indictment of the modern music industry, a fast £ before talent.
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