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Old 17 Apr 2012, 18:15   #141
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Originally Posted by Dave View Post
In America, where this case is based, you receive a tax break if you home school and you can choose to credit your tax dollars to a private school, if it meets certain criteria - therefore, lowering your tuition rates.

Yes, I would have expected that. You seem to be able to claim many more things against tax than we do in the UK .. although I was supporting Mouse's point that private education is generally costly, and is costly here. It doesn't alter my grave reservations about home schooling though, which are not based on cost but on limitation. I would think that someone who chose to home school in order to educate their child in their beliefs would be less likely to educate them in the beliefs of others, and still have concerns that their education would be limited to and by the parents' knowledge, experience, values and constructs.

It's of particular concern in the UK where home educated children do not have to follow the national curriculum or take tests, and do not even have to register or have the level of education inspected and assessed. Because of that they don't even know how many children are being home schooled, the estimates ranging between 7.5 and 34.5 thousand, and the most common reason given is bullying at school .. another sad indictment on the state of play these days.


Last edited by CarylB; 17 Apr 2012 at 18:21.
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