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Old 17 Apr 2012, 11:50   #138
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse View Post
But I still think you'd have a lot more opposition and stigma as a racist or religious hater if you took on a petition concerning a different religion.

We have the Church Of England, so I guess that's pretty official, so in retrospect I think there would be more grounds to speak out about it
I don't think people in this country would have a problem with athiests speaking out against Chrisianity, but I think their motives would be misunderstood if it were another religion being targeted at any particular time.
I think that's probably true in general. Perhaps because the Church of England is seen as so closely tied to the State, given the monarch is the head of the Church (hello Henry ) and freedom to speak out against the State is accepted. Targeting other religions (and here I suspect you may be referring to those other than Christianity) sits on more dangerous ground because many are so closely identified with race/ethnicity, and the motives of those speaking out against them arguably more suspect. When I hear some people speaking out angrily about Mosques for eg, I am forced to wonder if it is Muslim belief they are angry with or that they are targeting Muslims for their race and culture as much as their religion.

Like you I see no reason to avoid celebrating Christmas, but I respect the right of others to celebrate Divaldi, or whatever their religious beliefs dictate. Accepting, respecting and welcoming diversity is imo the way forward. That's why I believe it's right that in state schools here children learn about a wide range of different creeds. Whether I hold any religious beliefs or not, there are many in our society who do, many religions are tied strongly to culture, and understanding different cultures is important in a multi-cultural society in my view. How far that happens in private schools (which as you say are expensive) is I suspect questionable, and it probably would not happen in home schooling (which always concerns me, as in my view children who are home schooled will generally be limited to the knowledge of their parents, and their education limited by their parents' beliefs, values and constructs .. and in some cases their prejudices).

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