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Old 16 Apr 2012, 19:07   #128
The Flying Mouse
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Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
Well, those are acknowledged fairytales. Pretty far reaching for the argument IMO.
I know, I was just being naughty

Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
Once again, this has nothing to do with the banner issue. It's about a secular institution endorsing Christianity and Religion in general. A public school is supposed to be secular. There are private Non-Secular private schools for those who wish to practice their faith within the confines of their educational institution.
I don't know enough about the American schooling system to make much comment, but I think any child should have the right to be schooled within their religion.

But that said, whose choice is it wether to school the child within a religion?
The parents (i'm assuming) and not the childs.
Guess kids don't get to have much of a break when it comes to freedom of choice where religion is concerned

Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
Uh, there are plenty of those. Tons. Both involved and not involved in this paticular case.

I don't think that people like that would be a reason in itself to rip it down. The best reason is why it eventually was: It was unconstitutional to have up in the first place.
There are tons of nutters in various religions, but my point was does the banner increase their number or strengthen their case?

There are nutters that support the Koran, but does that mean that everyone who supports the Koran is a nutter?

As for the consitution, like many laws of many lands, the law IMHO is an ass without enough common sence.

Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
Short answer: Yes.

I would ask if that banner coming down really changes their overall happiness? The answer is no. The emotion involved all comes down to The Christian Right trying to claim the United States as their own. Not only is the imagery and doctrine visible, they use it as leverage in making government policies.

I agree that it's wrong to base all government policies on religion.
But that will be done wether there is a banner on a wall or not.
No ammount or lack of religious argument is going stop a woman who believes abortion to be a sin voting for the guy who stands up and says abolish abortion.

Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
And for someone who didn't want to get involved you put out some long and well thought out responses.... whether I agreed with them or not.

For someone who never expected to have any strong opinion (and even though i'm discussing it a lot, and thinking about it, I don't think my opinion is strong ) i'm spending a lot of time on the issue.

I was thinking about this last night walking the dog, and I was thinking that is Christianity an easy target?
Or at least the easiest target.

In the West we seem to be able to support everybodys views and religions, except the one that is native to us.
We seem so afraid to offend, we are afraid to say anything about other religions, and have very little to say in support of our own nations religion and are often quite comfortable bashing it.

For instance, every December here in Liverpool a menorah is erected outside St George's Hall for Hanukkah.

St George's Hall is a civic building (bearing the name of a saint, a Christian device I belive ) yet every year a large Jewish religious sign is placed outside.

Should that offend or displease me?

Would it offend or displease an athiest?

If not, why not? It's religious isn't it?

I think if anybody tried to campaign against the menorah they would be slammed as an anti semite rather than be taken at face value.

If it were a muslim device that was being petitioned against, forget it

So why is it that Christianity, the religion of our our own people (for lack of a better phrase right now) the one that is the easy target?

This must be the longest convo i've had on religion in my life
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