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Old 15 Apr 2012, 23:36   #108
Evil Ernie
Super Loafer
Join Date: 03.06.2011
Posts: 667

Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse View Post
I don't believe that tigers can bounce on their tales, or that witches once turned mice into horses to pull a carrage made from a pumpkin, but i'm not going to go down to the childrens hospital (because it's a public building)and demand they paint over the mural on ethical grounds because I believe the world needs more reason and less heart.
Well, those are acknowledged fairytales. Pretty far reaching for the argument IMO.

I am not religious, but I do not believe that the sign of the cross is offensive, I do not find churches places of mystery where I have no place, priests don't make me feel nervous, and I eat chockie eggs at Easter.
Me neither. I may think it's pointless, but offense is not the word.

Once again, this has nothing to do with the banner issue. It's about a secular institution endorsing Christianity and Religion in general. A public school is supposed to be secular. There are private Non-Secular private schools for those who wish to practice their faith within the confines of their educational institution.

If a religious zealot was preaching fire and brimstone, advocating violence towards other religions, races, nationalalities, sexual preferences, and discriminating against gender, I might say, "you have a point, rip down the ~~~~ing banner".

But unless there is a religious loonie trying to oppress you or change your beliefs, why not live and let live a little?
Uh, there are plenty of those. Tons. Both involved and not involved in this paticular case.

I don't think that people like that would be a reason in itself to rip it down. The best reason is why it eventually was: It was unconstitutional to have up in the first place.

I am not arguing "THAT BANNER SHOULD STAY UP" .

I'm asking "why does it really need to come down if some folks like it?"

And I never intended to get that involved
Short answer: Yes.

I would ask if that banner coming down really changes their overall happiness? The answer is no. The emotion involved all comes down to The Christian Right trying to claim the United States as their own. Not only is the imagery and doctrine visible, they use it as leverage in making government policies.

-Homosexual Issues
-Marriage Issues
-Sexual Issues

Not to mention that they are all tax exempt, but that's a whole other issue.

And for someone who didn't want to get involved you put out some long and well thought out responses.... whether I agreed with them or not.

Last edited by Evil Ernie; 15 Apr 2012 at 23:42.
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