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Old 15 Apr 2012, 22:30   #102
The Flying Mouse
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Originally Posted by Evil Ernie View Post
It's not about the banner itself, it's about the larger issue at hand.

Getting that banner taken down is a small victory against the Christian right in the United States. It's not just Jessica that disagreed with it, it was many people. She was just the face of it.

There are many other larger battles at play in the US:

- In God We Trust On The Money
- Mention Of God In The Pledge Of Allegiance
- Use of religious imagery in Government Buildings
- Hate Groups like 'American Family Association'
- Teaching of Creationism in Science Classrooms
- Accepting Religious exclsuion when it comes to elections

It relates to the banner issue itself because Christians call stuff like speaking out against religion, The Reason Rally and other things as 'persecution' and 'bullying'.

It is not. It's just not getting their way for once.
I don't believe that tigers can bounce on their tales, or that witches once turned mice into horses to pull a carrage made from a pumpkin, but i'm not going to go down to the childrens hospital (because it's a public building)and demand they paint over the mural on ethical grounds because I believe the world needs more reason and less heart.

I am not religious, but I do not believe that the sign of the cross is offensive, I do not find churches places of mystery where I have no place, priests don't make me feel nervous, and I eat chockie eggs at Easter.

If a religious zealot was preaching fire and brimstone, advocating violence towards other religions, races, nationalalities, sexual preferences, and discriminating against gender, I might say, "you have a point, rip down the ~~~~ing banner".

But unless there is a religious loonie trying to oppress you or change your beliefs, why not live and let live a little?

I am not arguing "THAT BANNER SHOULD STAY UP" .

I'm asking "why does it really need to come down if some folks like it?"

And I never intended to get that involved
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