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Old 15 Apr 2012, 22:15   #100
Evil Ernie
Super Loafer
Join Date: 03.06.2011
Posts: 667

Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse View Post
If the banner was used to bash people over the head (physically or metophorically) i'd say you had a point.

As it was, it was on a wall, and doing no harm to anyone.
Not physically, not spiritually.
It wasn't mounted on a flag pole and burried in somebodys belly, it wasn't quoted in hate speeches against "the non believer" or other races or religions (for some reason I have the image of Malachi from Children Of The Corn in my head shouting "OUTLANDER" ).

It was removed because somebody could not abide something on a wall of a public building that they didn't agree with.

Was it's message so terrible such effort had to be expended to make sure it was taken down?
Was it so really offensive and untollerable?

As I posted above in reply to Meat, you can't please all the people all of the time, and if every plaque, statue, building and arch requires a 100% approval rate to be built, we're in for a hell of a wait before any of the above are put up again.
It's not about the banner itself, it's about the larger issue at hand.

Getting that banner taken down is a small victory against the Christian Right in the United States. It's not just Jessica that disagreed with it, it was many people. She was just the face of it. She was one of the only people BRAVE enough to say something. Most people in the US who feel the same way don't have the guts to say anything due to possible loss of employment, family and friends. There's a reason why you have to have organizations such as 'Recovering From Religion.'

To be clear I don't hate anyone who is religious, but I hate when it's shoved your face and especially when it's endorsed by a SECULAR government.

There are many other larger battles at play in the US:

- In God We Trust On The Money
- Mention Of God In The Pledge Of Allegiance
- Use of religious imagery in Government Buildings
- Hate Groups like 'American Family Association'
- Teaching of Creationism in Science Classrooms
- Accepting Religious exclsuion when it comes to elections

It relates to the banner issue itself because Christians call stuff like speaking out against religion, The Reason Rally and other things as 'persecution' and 'bullying'.

It is not. It's just not getting their way for once.

Some people would say "What's the big deal?". And I would agree. Why can't you just be a secular country? One that doesn't seek to exclude anyone?

Last edited by Evil Ernie; 15 Apr 2012 at 22:25.
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