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Old 15 Apr 2012, 21:15   #82
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 08.05.2008
Posts: 3,562

And it starts all over again...

Originally Posted by stretch37 View Post
When there are an unknown number of people who "dislike him", it immediately puts him on the defensive when there is a negative comment, because he knows he is "disliked" by some.
How can the number be "unknown"? If you claim that there are people who allegedly dislike Meat Loaf, that statement must be based on things that have been said on this forum somehow, so it should be pretty easy to come up with a number. All I see are shallow references to a group of people that is allegedly hostile towards Meat Loaf. That rather appears like scapegoating to me than addressing an actual problem. In fact these allegations devalue the large number of positive posts and are unfair to the people who submitted those posts. I agree with Adje. He pays way too much attention to negativity and wrongfully considers disagreement or criticism as an attack on him as a person.

Meat Loaf is 60+ years old. He has worked in one of the toughest businesses in the world for several decades. He expresses his opinion in public. He openly disagrees with certain things himself. He really should have a thicker skin and shouldn't have an issue with people discussing his statements and disagreeing with him sometimes. Just because I buy someone's records I don't have to share their beliefs. If that was the case, I'd be pretty confused by now as the artists I like have very different ideas and points of view.

If you want to be liked do you think it's a good idea to accuse your fans (customers) of not liking you again and again? Even the most faithful fan will eventually get tired of that.

Last edited by Sarge; 15 Apr 2012 at 21:22. Reason: grammar
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