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Old 15 Apr 2012, 20:05   #75
The Flying Mouse
Armed ba$tard and Jo's other half.
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A lot of strong feeling about this

I feel (although I might be wrong) the problem Meat has with so much effort going into the removal of the prayer is not a religious issue, but one that there is a portion of society that really goes out of their way to upset other people.

The prayer was on the wall for 50 years.
Had it hurt anyone in 50 years?
Was it due to hurt anyone in the next 50 years?

So what was the big problem?

It might have brought comfort to some people, so it did a little good in the world, but who the hell was it going to harm?
If there were a lot more things that could do some good but no harm, we'd be living in a better world.

If there was something in the prayer that insighted racial or religeous hatred toward others, I can see the point in wanting it taking down. But a message of reasurrance?

Why couldn't the prayer be ignored by the people who didn't believe in it?

Why is another persons views (in this case, religious beliefs) be such an affront to people with different views? (perhaps they are all forum users )

That's the message I got from Meat frustration, but again, maybe i'm wrong

I myself am offended when things like Christmas are deemed politicaly incorrect. There have been plenty of reports in newspapers over the years over different places in England that have decided to ban a public Christmas tree in case it offends other religions or non believers.
I do not feel intimidated by Chritianity, I don't feel my human rights violated, and have no problem with the national anthem being GOD Save The Queen.
In fact I rather envy people who have stronger religious beliefs at times as I can imagine them to be of comfort at times.

I'm not a particularly religious person, but Chritianity is the religion of my land, and I believe that those who wish to worship should be given that right.
If other religions wish to practice in my country, all fair and good, but don't go saying that Christianity offends you.

And you don't have to be a dyed in the wool God wholloper to think a tree with pretty lights on sort of brightens the place up a bit.
(The fact that the "Christmas" tree was hijacked off the pagans and actually has ~~~~~~ all to do with the son of God is something I supports that viewpoint )

But is this the place to discuss this?
Yes, and no.

Yes, because it was said by Meat, and we are all fans of Meat and might have an opinion on what he has to say. Wether that be positive or negative.

No, because it has nothing to do with his career.

Ultimatly, if somebody well known takes a public stance on an issue it is more than likely that there will be people who agree and people who disagree, and as we all have a differnent compass governing our political/religious/social views, it's not to be too surprising when it's discovered that some of the people who disagree are within his own fan base.
In fact, you can pretty much count on it. If a dude from Westlife says something about politics or religion it's not likely to interest me. From Meat I might take more interest.

If you admire JFK, you probably admire him for his political views, but you might not like his art collection.

If you admire The Pope it's probably because you think he's a righteous dude, but looking through his CD rack you might wonder "WTF is he thinking?"

I think the people of this forum are here because they appreciate the artistic output of the artist Meat Loaf.
Not because they hold the same religious/political beliefs, so when Meat says something publicly they don't agree with, it's bound to cause debate.

So Meat doesn't respect the peoples efforts to have the prayer taken down, some people don't respect Meat's comments on the issue, other people don't respect their disagreement with Meat, and so the world keeps going around and around.

I believe Meat is over the top with this...............

Originally Posted by cowboy View Post
I'm glad you all like Paul, everytime I say anything it's wrong !! Please change to Paul Crook UK fan Club, and no I am not upset with Paul in any way. There are people here who do not like me at all. I am very confussed. " Meat Loaf UK Fan Club" is that a joke I'm not in on.
He's said things like this a lot, and I for one thing it's very unfair.
Most of the posts on this forum are positive (as you'd expect on a fan forum).
There have been pleas not to leave the forum, posts of love and devotion, some have posted supporting your stance (with giving reasons why) and I think they are the most supportive posts of all.

But to reply to a whole forum that you are not liked because somebody holds an opinion different to your own concerning a freaking prayer on a wall is (and I say this with all the love in the world, even though the "dislikes" are going to go through the roof) as silly and one minded as the people who made such a fuss about taking down a prayer they didn't happen to agree with.

Meat, I love you a lot, but look at the support you have on the forum, and for God's sake stop thinking that just because someone disagrees with a public stance you take means they hate you.

Last edited by The Flying Mouse; 15 Apr 2012 at 20:11.
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