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Old 15 Apr 2012, 11:00   #50
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by cowboy View Post
Don't believe I got my facts wrong at all, you need to understand the law a little better. Church and state came all the way from the 14th century. What it means is the state can not tell you how you can worship. The dollar still says in god we can trust. The 2 people that took down that prayer interfered with the civil rights of many. The judge was wrong with his decision and the school system does have the money to fight it. Your right, the US constitution
gives you the right to believe how you believe. the ruling was a violation of the US constitution . bottom line .
Originally Posted by cowboy View Post
But what I was saying is that with so much wrong in the world and so many needing help I thought it was a selfish act by these 2 women. Again my facts are not wrong. I will stand up to any judge anywhere and argue the case. The reason the pilgrims left England is they were not allowed worship the way they wanted. The law is not about a prayer on a school wall , it's about everyone in that school has a right to believe how they believe, can't say Merry Christmas, can't put the 10 commandments on the outside wall of the capitol building. all people want to do is assume and not really read ,study, and understand. Why does the President attend a prayer breakfest. I see dumb people !! If they put a Muslim prayer next to the prayer that was on the wall for 50 years , I would say they have the right to do so. Separation of church and state is about the freedom to worship and believe what you heart tells you. Not to take away everything that says God From the world. If this case would have gone to the Supreme Court it would have been overturned.
Originally Posted by cowboy View Post
You are basing your opinion on Wikipedia . Wikipedia ?? Please go take a course in Constitutional law. I did in college, I was a History major . People are destroying the US
Constitution . There are prayers all over the walls of government buildings in Washington.
They won't go after those. They would be overturned.
Originally Posted by cowboy View Post
Yes the world is going to hell in a handbasket !!! That judge is living proof.
I am really not sucking up by saying I believe Meat is right in everything he says here. It's a great example of people being plain selfish, I mean c'mon deciding to be offended by something that's been there for 50 years is just plain pathetic I don't care what anyone says.
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