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Old 15 Apr 2012, 10:01   #49
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 10.05.2010
Location:  Spring Hill, Florida
Posts: 197

One more thing I'd like to add...and I RARELY if personal problems on forums, FB, myspace etc. Perhaps I'm in the wrong "area" and this will be moved accordingly.

Thinking about this whole school, banner, religion etc....

Here's MY dilemma:

My 9yr old daughter the youngest of my five, my baby, my angel, precious and sweet. She has made honor roll every marking period, received the Citizenship Award, Student of the month, and I could wallpaper her bedroom with "Random Act of Kindness Awards"...she has so many. Loves school, loves her teacher.

Right up until 2 months ago when she was hit by a chair flung by a student having a "tantrum". I am told by the school this child has no mental or physical disabilities. Every day my child comes home from school...with the exception of when this student is in OSS (out of school suspension) she tells me another story of this young boy's "outburst"..the entire class has to leave the room, while teachers try to calm this boy down.

Multiple phone calls to the school, principal, and superintendent have resulted in "there's nothing we can do" the boy has "problems at home", "anger issues".

Now my daughter is literally AFRAID to go to school, has attendance issues..headaches, stomach aches etc. My hands are tied. I could of course choose to home school her...but I prefer she attends public schools for the purpose of learning and social interaction.

If my daughter was subject to witnessing the violence at home that she is seeing in SCHOOL on a regular basis...she would be taken away from ME by child protective services... period.

A banner can be over-looked, how does this mother and daughter spend money with the words "In God WE Trust"????? Rip it up? Doubt it.

This is a perfect "REAL" example of how the world truly is going to or has GONE to Hell in a Hanbasket.

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