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Old 15 Apr 2012, 02:19   #34
Join Date: 14.01.2007
Posts: 68

Don't believe I got my facts wrong at all, you need to understand the law a little better. Church and state came all the way from the 14th century. What it means is the state can not tell you how you can worship. The dollar still says in god we can trust. The 2 people that took down that prayer interfered with the civil rights of many. The judge was wrong with his decision and the school system does have the money to fight it. Your right, the US constitution
gives you the right to believe how you believe. the ruling was a violation of the US constitution . bottom line .

Originally Posted by evil nickname View Post
Re: that prayer on the wall thing. It appears Meat got his facts wrong. So unless objecting to a violation of the US constitution and standing up for what you believe is right is a sign of the world going to hell in a handbasket, I think it's a pretty bad example.

Given that this is one of my hobby horses, it irks me.
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