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Old 14 Apr 2012, 02:53   #33
Evil Ernie
Super Loafer
Join Date: 03.06.2011
Posts: 667

Good, well thought out post.

Originally Posted by Dave View Post
Apparently you have never been to my church. I have learned about rain, the food chain, evolution and creationism and why they must go hand-in-hand, as well as how rain happens, learning that things live and die, and other scientific ventures - all of these have been presented to me directly from the pulpit during sermons, at various churches I have attended over the years.
Interesting. So they teach Science in your Church? Do you mean actual Science or an interpretation from scripture? If its actual science, good on them

Listen, I won't deny I consider myself a Christian Buddhist nor will I deny I consider myself to be politically Conservative; however, I will also not allow you to pigeon hole me into the stereotypes of people who hold my same beliefs. My best friends are Jews, Muslims, Cross Dressers, Ministers, Homeless....shall I go on?
I don't see how that was significant to my post. I wasn't talking about you. My point is that it wasnt about religious freedom to the jerks in RI, its about the promotion of Christianity in a secular country.

The only thing that I asked of you is how removing that thing was infringing on their right to practice their religion? For the record I think they're all equally ridiculous.

I understand where Meat Loaf is coming from and you don't - no biggie. He has a problem with breaking of tradition, I believe that is where he is coming from. I have also done media blitzes like Meat Loaf did - not on the same scale, but have known I had like a dozen interviews where I knew the exact same questions were coming down the line. You rehearse your answer and pick your point of reference so you can come off pithy and succinct, yet sounding half way spontaneous, relevant, and hopefully on the positive side of intelligent.

Looks like we are going to have to agree do disagree on this one. There are matters of opinion and matters of salvation - this is opinion and the salvation is Mr. Loaf whose banner brought us all together across the cybersphere and for that I am thankful today.
I think that he could have just said nothing. Him bringing this up was completely spontaneous. It wasn't really the 'best' example of HIAH. He wanted to comment on it due to his own indoctrination into religion but he ended up sounding backwards and close minded. The banner was illegal.

There are lots of things that are traditions. I never understood the mentality that just because something is old means that it's better. There were lots of things that were traditions and than we outgrew them as human beings.

In the case of this it's a tradition which never should have existed.
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