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Old 09 Apr 2012, 11:52   #71
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by suzieq View Post
Did we lose site of the problem?

Isn't the problem that Meat is upset and he won't come back?

Isn't the issue to be fixed that we want him to come back?

It isn't about in fighting among members. It's about Meat coming back here isn't it????
No this isn't the problem Suzie, this isn't just about Meat. It's about everybody. Members upset each other more than they have upset Meat. It's not just about Meat coming back here. As Caryl and others have said Meat coming here is a bonus, not the be all and end all.

Monstro and others have it absolutely right. The way to move forward and fix things (and keep the bonus of Meat and the band coming here hopefully) is to think about what you say with more care. I myself would like to commend the mods here. They may not always get everything 100% perfect but then who does in life? But they are doing a damn good job lately and they were VERY quick to remove the insulting bad posts yesterday which could have upset a lot of people.

When people don't post with care then it causes bad feeling and people start arguing and it snowballs out of control. I love loads of people on here but I don't agree with their views all the time. But I don't care because it's okay to have different views. The world would be a VERY boring place if we all thought the same about something.

The mods HAVE recognised there is a problem, and their solution for fixing things is the right one.
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