Thread: Wrecking Ball
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Old 20 Mar 2012, 20:46   #56
Join Date: 21.11.2003
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So lived with this album for a little while now and generally love it.

It's an album of two halves with the second half being weaker IMO than the first, and saved by American Land, LOHAD and We Are Alive. All of which I love.

The Seeger Sessions influences are superb, (especially the banjo ... Jonty you should but this album if you haven't got it already!).

Only let downs for me are the looped drum tracks and the female vocals on Rocky Ground which really don't fit in my view.

Can't wait to hear the live versions of some of these songs, just hope they stay in the set list for when Bruce and the band hit the UK shores later in the year.

Wrecking Ball, Land Of Hopes and Dreams and American Land show that Bruce's songwriting and recording skills are best suited to writing a song, refining it in the live show setting and then recording it, like he used ot in the 70's. These songs are on another level for having developed on the road.
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