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Old 19 Oct 2011, 15:31   #73
Long Distance Loafer
Join Date: 17.07.2007
Location:  Perth, Australia
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I got a lovely newsletter from The Painted Turtle today, there was a column dedicated to Meat! Here is what it says:

Meat Loaf

(He Would Do Anything For Love and The Painted Turtle)

Over the past six years, music legend Meat Loaf has become a hero in the eyes of The Painted Turtle as time and time again, and often singlehandedly, he has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help support our organization.

Through his ongoing participation in Don't Forget The Lyrics, Celebrity Blackjack, NBA Celebrity Fantasy League, Celebrity Charades, and most recently and publicly on The Celebrity Apprentice, Meat Loaf has raised enough money to send over 500 children to our summer sessions - more than half of the number of children we serve each summer!

Meat Loaf's generosity goes far beyond simply writing a cheque. An asthma sufferer, Meat Loaf has visited The Painted Turtle to meet and talk with campers and their families, offering wordsof encouragement and understanding, and even laughing uproariously when a young camper (not old enoughto be a fan) called him "Meat Ball."

His tireless and impassioned advocacy for The Painted Turtle, which he expresses through a host of charity events, on stage, in front of the camera, online, and through many other forums, has had a tremendous impact on the awareness of people nationally and internationally about The Painted Turtle.

This was most noticable when, after his first win on The Celebrity Apprentice and his expressing such emotion far and devotion to camp, our Facebook fan base increased by over 1,000 people. Shortly after, contributions began coming to us from fans worldwide, all of whom cited Meat Loaf as the catalyst for their donations.

Meat Loaf is a man who has used celebrity as a platform for good and positive change, for the opportunity to make a difference.

With hard work, emotion, determination, and exuberance Meat Loaf has lifted The Painted Turtle into his own personal spotlight in order to make a difference in the lives of children who are searching for a brighter day.
~ Acting Executive Director Blake Maher

Just quietly..... my Grandma called Meat "Meat Ball" once, she still says it by accident sometimes too. Lol

Last edited by melon; 19 Oct 2011 at 15:45.
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