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Old 06 Sep 2011, 07:28   #4
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by WarioLoaf View Post
Being as the Hang Cool Tour is finished... THE FINAL VERDICT: Danny, Kasim, or Steve? [...] Last year a thread was made comparing Danny with Kasim, and it drew criticism that all of the UK fans hadn't had a chance to see Danny in action to compare him to Kasim fairly.

So now, with the Hang Cool Tour in the can and the GP tour underway in a month, who is the better bassist.

For me: Danny is a bassist like no other.
Originally Posted by WarioLoaf View Post
Being as the Hang Cool Tour is finished... THE FINAL VERDICT: Justin or Mark? [...] Last year, just like Kasim a thread was made comparing Justin with Mark, and it drew criticism that all of the UK fans hadn't had a chance to see Justin in action to compare him to Mark fairly.

For me its no contest: Justin.
You could at least have been a little more creative and change the wording a bit. Will we have to read these sentences every time now when the lineup of the band changes or when it comes to comparing current NLE members to their predecessors? And what's the use of FINAL (!?) VERDICTS? Why do you always have to exaggerate? Are you really interested in other forum members opinions or do you just want them to confirm your own "verdict"? You could at least have bothered to explain what exactly it is that you like about Danny and Justin and why you think they are better than Kasim and Mark. (E.g. when it comes to playing skills, showmanship and the like.) That would have been more interesting than just stating dry "verdicts".

I haven't had the chance to see Danny or Justin live, so I cannot make any "final verdicts". Even if I had, I wouldn't do it. Judging by the YouTube videos I've seen I can say that Justin is amazing and that his style of playing appeals more to me than Mark's. That said, Mark had been a long-time member of the band, I've seen him live a couple of times and I enjoyed the shows he was part of. The same goes for Kasim. I believe such "final verdicts" are a bit unfair to ex band members. The NLE has had some good musicians over the years who all have their merits. Liking new members better than previous ones is okay but calling your personal preferences "FINAL VERDICT", is a little odd and arrogant, in my opinion.
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