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Old 01 Sep 2011, 12:21   #22
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
Posts: 5,910


In the 3 weeks we have been up and running we've raised $388.50 from sales to be sent to The Painted Turtle from sales of wristbands, and when the CafePress commissions clear we will have raised a total of over $500.

A HUGE thank you to all the Meat fans who supported us and showed they want to help The Painted Turtle; together we have funded a full day at camp for a chronically ill child whose life will be immeasurably enriched as a result.

To paraphrase the man we follow .. Thank you, you made us what we are!! To quote a camper, "It was the best week of my life - I am not kidding! .. It was just magical, everything was amazing. The counsellors, the camp, the people. It was so awesome."

Please help us to reach out to ALL Meat's fans around the world, to your friends and your colleagues who simply care about children; pass this on and continue to support us so that we can help The Painted Turtle more. In three weeks together we've funded a full day at camp .. let's work towards making that a full week a month, so Meat's fans can say they send 12 children to The Painted Turtle camp every year, and help change 12 deserving and courageous children's lives. Meat has changed so many of our lives. We can surely do this for the charity he holds so close, and make him proud.

From our hearts to yours THANK YOU .. and NEVER, EVER STOP ROCKING!!!

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