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Old 21 Jan 2011, 11:39   #6
Join Date: 21.11.2003
Location:  Over the top..... seeing what's on the other side
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In the current NLE lineup there isn't really a single Lead Guitarist as such (not in the way that Pat Thrall, or Bob Kulick were in tours gone by)

For me, the top man out of the two of them is Randy. No question.

Paul is brilliant, without a doubt a superb "metal" guitaist, yes he gets the big solos in Break It, AFL and Bat, he gets the recognisable intros to Pardise and Deadringer but to be honest those solos aren't really the most taxing or melodic ... given a load of disotortion, and overdrive pedal and a whammy bar even I could knock out a Bat Motorcycle solo. Paul gets to play the recognisable solos in the classic songs. Now before I get misquoted, I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not knocking Paul's talents nor am I diminishing his role in any way.

Randy on the other hand is the underrated guitar playing genius of the band. As T'Other half says, he is technically the better guitar player of the two, he relies less on the gizmo's of processing and relies more on his ability with the guitar, the way he switches from finger picking to flat picking so seemlessly is incredible.

The two differing styles of guitar playing are what contributes to the overall sound of the band, Paul and Randy are the NLE equivalent of Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood in the Stones, they interwaave the sound so well it is hard to spot who's paying what quite often.
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