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Old 04 Jan 2011, 18:17   #5532
The Flying Mouse
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Eutopia/Atoll K/Crusoe Land (it's been released under a few different names).

Laurel & Hardy's last film, and one i've not watched before.

To be honest, I wish I hadn't.
Some of the old fun was still there (certainly enough for the odd laugh) but both Stan and Ollie looked ill, old, and well past their prime (although it's worth noting in all fairness that both were taken seriously ill during the making of the film).
The production was terrible too.The sound seemed muffled in a lot of places, and the lighting of the film was very poorly done.A lot of the time faces on screen are obscured by large patches of shinning light.

As I said, there are still funny momnent in the film, but I think it's sad that this was the last film that those two giants of comedy appeared in.
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