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Old 24 Oct 2010, 03:37   #40
Join Date: 28.11.2005
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Originally Posted by allrevvedup View Post
I can't see a record company jumping for joy at idea of a Meat & Patti russo album and putting their backing and their money into it. Maybe an album with Meat and other established artists, like Slash has done recently, would be something to consider but who knows.
Meat did release an album entitled "Meat Loaf and Friends", but that only had Jim, Bonnie, and Ellen Foley if I can remember correctly. I haven't heard it in a few years (I owned a copy but it got broken). It was a compilation CD, but if they released an album with the same people, and had brand new songs on it that might work too. Patti would definitely be involved. To be fair Mike HCTB and Bat 3 had a lot of established artists involved, but I'm guessing you want more duets with the artists, and not just behind the scenes production work and songwriting? Which I'd agree with totally.
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