Thread: News from Kasim
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Old 18 Sep 2010, 22:57   #106
Join Date: 28.11.2005
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
You think they're "not good enough"? They are not to my taste, but there are plenty of Kasim fans who will look forward to them and download them. No need to make a judgement from your twentysomething years that "they aren't good enough". Kasim is an accomplished guitar player and singer. His albums sell, which suggests they are good enough for those who enjoy his style of music.
Kasim was a bass player and back-up singer with Meat Loaf. That's where he had his success. I get the impression from people on this forum that he is a successful solo singer and bass player, he's just not!! Todd Rundgren was a talented producer and guitar player, but his music was bland and boring, and he didn't have a great voice. That's my opinion. You could look at Kasim in a similar way. I can understand people getting upset with my opinion on Kasim. I like him and he has talent, but a member made a comment and he was slated for it, and I actually thought it was a fair and honest opinion. Maybe a bit blunt but fair.

Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
What's the point you posting on a forum when only a few people read the shit you write at times?
That's fair enough Andrew. If you don't like my opinion that's fine. You write a lot of stuff I don't agree with either, but it's your opinion and I respect it completely, even though you don't respect mine. I'm not going to fall out with you over it.

Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Seriously though; maybe he enjoys releasing CDs & making music? Or is that a too stupid answer for you to comprehend?
Maybe he does, and I hope he continues to do what makes him happy. But every single artist in the world that releases an album is going to have people who will offer their opinion on it. Lovers, haters, in-betweeners. Honestly life is to short to get upset about one persons opinion which is all mine is. Jeez!!
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