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Old 18 Sep 2010, 01:03   #21
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
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To think of The Neverland Express without Meat Loaf is like thinking of a hamburger without Meat or a bun. I think we are forgetting here that Meat is the one who brings this band together. After hearing what the arrangements are like with Kasim gone even his MD role seemed rather less important to me than what I once thought it was. I'm not saying Kasim is useless at all. Kasim is a great guy and was a huge asset to the band but Meat definitely is much more of a director here than what some seem to be giving him credit for I reckon. With half of these guys spread across the States doing different things (and by the sounds of it different styles of music too!) without Meat it makes no sense to me for them to get together without Meat Loaf and do similar music at all. A fantasy proposition in my opinion. It was great hearing Patti do Bible and beer but she could have her own less expensive band and do gigs and still be on the money.

With Meat comes a grandeur and a band perfection I've rarely come across (except for the E Street Band) but I reckon Meat is the puppet master, the driving force who actually makes the band work. Would anyone care if the E street band did a "solo" album, yeah maybe a few thousand hardcore Springsteen fans. Would anyone care if the Neverland Express did an album? No-one outside this board I reckon.

Last edited by AndrewG; 18 Sep 2010 at 01:08.
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