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Old 09 Sep 2010, 07:44   #103
I'm A Prize Fight Lover...
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Originally Posted by Steve6 View Post
That's a very good point. But if you are the main person on the stage who writes, and sings all the songs, and who's name is scrolled across all the promotion posters, that can be classed as a solo career, because it all evolves around you. If you weren't in the show it's a no show, it's your creation. Does that make sense?
You really need to start fully reading what someone has written and not guess what they've written. At no point was it suggested that NLE was the back up band for Patti's solo venture, nor was it suggested that they only perform Patti's songs.

If you look at NLE as a group and not just a backing band and look at them performing Meat Loaf/Steinman/Queen and whoever else songs, then I can see that working. The Shadows were Cliff Richards backing band for many years and also had a relatively successful career away from Sir Cliff.
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