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Old 07 Sep 2010, 23:19   #72
"Most things that i worry about, never happen anyway"
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Originally Posted by Steve6 View Post
Revenue shouldn't be an issue.
i agree let's all live in peace and harmony like the federation of united planets

Originally Posted by Steve6 View Post
I'm sure she has quiet a bit of money stashed away....
I don't think there's anyone who has had money 'stashed away' that is in a position where they can afford to wait 6 months to a year for a tour to come along, especially if she's trying to establish herself by working on songs and/or an album. Believe me from first hand experience these things cost a lot of money when you don't have a record company to back you up.

She will no doubt get plenty work on broadway, if she doesn't get it touring or making albums. She's a good actress too.
there's established actors that can't get work on broadway, you're making it sound like it's very easy for anyone to walk in off the street and be in a musical/play just like that.

I would love to see Ms Russo break out and become a massive success and all the tools are there for her to do that.

Whether she can still is another thing, not one meat loaf fan will doubt that she's an incredible talent. But to Joe public or a critic she is just one of meat's 'backing singers' which is not fair to her but still.
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