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Old 23 Jun 2009, 19:20   #4168
I hope your salmon sucks!
Join Date: 18.01.2004
Location:  Northamptonshire
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Be Kind Rewind is probably one of the worst movies I have ever rented on DVD. Such clumsy film making in my opinion; People walking out of shot whilst still talking (watch it again and you will know what I mean), a plot that doesn't know where it is going and such missuse of a good idea. I constantly hoped for it to get better but instead the plot headed towards such a lame conclusion I just had to switch off.
Tropic Thunder was another rubbish movie where I was more cringing than laughing (Tom Cruise in make up dancing is and indeed King Kong (Jack Black version) sucked ass big time too imo.

I usually appreciate moviemaker's efforts, even if it doesn't quite work out to a certain extent. But those three Jack Black ones are really not worth recommending imo and I find it incredible they were made. Even on paper someone should have realised they would suck no matter who is in them or what kind of visual effects you can produce.
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