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Old 03 Jun 2008, 02:24   #173
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 26.11.2005
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Originally Posted by Pudding View Post
Complete hogwash. You sound like a typical lefty conspiracy theorist who's arguments always lacks facts and are based on hysteria

The government isn't trying to impress anyone, especially the PC committee, because if they were then they'd have done something a lot sooner. The smoking ban is in place because it's an health issue and the cost of treating smoking related illness is spiralling out of control.

Also where's this bonus money coming from? certainly not the taxes, because less smokers mean less taxes and certainly not the tobacco companies.

Not today

I wish the government would put the same amount of effort into banning fast food outlets so we can save money on obesity related illnesses, because fatties are clogging up the health system quicker than their arteries. But that's another topic for another thread.

I knew it would on ly be a matter of time before the 'conspiracy theorist' jibes were coming out. Lacks facts? I swear I had 2 facts in my reply to Keb Lou. Hysteria? I have to agree with that one mate.

Since when were the governemnt not trying to impress the PC committee? Plastic bags, Car fuel, Global Warming, Radiation etc all come about because of some PC loon who can't keep his head on his shoulders. The government has done nothing but ~~~~ them up the arse for two reason. Because they can and because they get something out of it. Whether it's credability or money. Either way, someone slowly begins to see their choices and liberties swept away from them under their feet. Where is the free society we are supposed to live in?

Anyway, better get back to my kebab. Sooner I finish it the sooner I get to bed considering I have an appointment at the hospital tomorrow for chronic heart desease.
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