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Old 13 May 2008, 01:53   #76
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 01.11.2007
Location:  Manchester
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The list can be kinda handy though. Sometimes it takes me ages to work out what song someone's talking about if it's an acronym for a song we don't hear too often. And in fact if I don't call the song by an acronym ever it can confuse me for a while too.

Maybe I am just easily confused!

But people will still always talk in acronyms whether writing actual words is easier or not (personally I type 'Paradise' a lot faster than I type 'PBTDBL' even though the acronym is actually shorter, because I don't have to think of each word as I type each letter!) so the list as far as I'm concerned is good!

No I don't refer to it often or even think to come here some of the times I'm being confused but occasionally I venture back here and refresh my memory so thank you to those who have been taking the time to compile it good effort!
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