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Old 11 Dec 2007, 13:57   #42
The Monster Is Luce
Join Date: 14.04.2002
Posts: 7,547

Not much I can add to Andy's post really...we'd booked to see the three shows expecting that we'd probably have a good night with the added bonus of seeing Patti, but I really couldn't have expected the shows we got.

The insert of one of the SAS Band's CDs describes the band as a "musician's social club" and that really is what they are...a bunch of mates up there having fun, and it's bloody good to watch! On the opening night they got things wrong, sang from lyric sheets, Spike would stop the band to correct a mistake or ensure that the instruments sounded just right, and it really didn't matter at all, absolutely outstanding band.

In regards to Ms Russo there's not a great deal I can say about her that you don't already know, but these three nights have certainly reinforced how much she is loved and missed in the NLE - I certainly had a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat for several of her performances! Her presense on stage is second to none, her voice was as perfect as ever, and it was fantastic to see her completely in control of the stage whilst still happy to step back and sing with or for others during their sets.

We met Patti afer the show and what a woman! She has the most amazing humour and spirit about her, completely mesmerising to speak to...girls, you know those days when you wake up and look in the mirror, and no matter what you wear, what you do to your hair or how much make up you put on it just doesn't go right? Don't stand anywhere near Patti Russo on those days!
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