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Old 17 Sep 2007, 16:28   #76
Join Date: 21.11.2003
Location:  Over the top..... seeing what's on the other side
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Originally Posted by Deb View Post
LMAO have a one track mind lol.
Says the woman who was concerned about a blokes haircut

She will definitely be missed and what I was really trying to say was there are a certain percentage of us who in a way are grieving over this. And sometimes the only way to get past this is to talk about it. As long as it stays civil as RJ said. I totally undertsand for others they would rather move on, but then they have the option to not read it lol.
Couldn't agree more ... most of my initial post came from a "devils advocate" point of view, sort of thinking out loud trying to decide if I really do want to or need to know why Patti is no longer part of the NLE ... and I'm still in two minds about that, I'm in touch with my feminine side, so obviously am nosey enough to want to know out of curiosity ... if anyone alludes to the fact that there's something secret out there then it's human nature to wonder what it is isn't it? But I also understand that perhaps whatever the reason is makes it a good enough reason that it should never be known publicly.

As stated as long as the topic remains civil and steers clear of too much "speculation" then all is as good as can be.
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