Thread: AFL vocals
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Old 02 Jan 2007, 18:20   #7
The Lurker in The Shadows
Join Date: 02.12.2002
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Since the 2005 tour Meat has raised Took The Words back up to the key of A, the same key as it was on the album. On the subject of Anything For Love, they could've done many takes in the studio to get it right and the vocals might've been altered in the production (not by pitching or speeding up the tape but possibly by increasing the treble. Not completly sure though.) Meat's voice is quite high-pitched on Bat 2, almost like a more mature version of the voice on Bat 1. Lowering the key a whole tone down live does reduce the wear and tear.

On a bit of a side note, I've sang AFL before in mini-Meat Tribute-concerts for family and friends and for me it's more comfortable to sing it in the key of C, tried rehearsing it in the original key but it's too wear and tear (I'm not trained.) I do most of the Meat songs in their live keys rather than studio keys but that's not the point. Just giving an example of how lowering keys of songs makes it more comfortable to sing.
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