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Old 15 Apr 2006, 04:08   #213
Sue K
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 20.04.2003
Posts: 13,041

Originally Posted by Ross
Yeh it is out in all of the UK this weekend. I don't mind the Scary Movies, they are S*** but good for a laugh.

Leslie is in it! As the president, no less.

oh.. good..i didn't see his name in the ad listed in the paper.. he played the President in #3 as well... he had me rolllling.. in the scene .. presenting the Mother Teresa award.. i was wiping tears.. lol...

I like Titanic!

i do as well... even though.. i KNOW it takes many artistic liberties.. i still think it's a good movie..the special effects are incredible... and i like the storyline... involving Jack.. Rose..and that brute fiance' of hers.. grrrr... lol.. and the end.. is so sweet... and a wee sad... the VERY end i mean...

Me and my significant other had a very lazy night tonight and we watched 2 movies!!!!!!

A Beautiful Mind - really liked this despite not being a fan of Russell Crowe. I mean I think he is a great actor, but he just annoys me.

you know what.. i tried my BEST to get into that film?... i liked the idea of the figments of his imagination.. or.. he's ill mind.. if you will.. but .. i don't know HOW many times.. i hollared at the telly.. "enough with the NUMbers already !!!... i've given it five tries now.. and i just can't get into it.. but.. hey.. i'm willing to try at least one more time.. it's just .. i found him SO annoying i couldn't feel poorly for him.. aint i awful?..

Natural Born Killers - Didn't really enjoy this. Thought Oliver Stone was just trying too hard. I'm a big Tarantino fan, but from what I've heard (and what I could see) they really messed around with his original script.

and THAT film .. just creeps me out.. BUT.. when it's on?.. i guess it's like a car wreck.. i just HAVE to pause my channel surfing and watch it !!!.. and THEN i sit there asking myself why??.. lol...

Oh well.

Not long for Pirates now, tink!
arrrrrrrr.. inDEED !!! .... ...

as for me.. unless Meat's MSO dvd counts.. lol.. i've watched naught...

t.. with she's no clue how to do the quotie thing... ...

ps..ooops..that's a mess hunh????...
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