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Old 16 Dec 2004, 10:26   #47
The Mad Scientist
Join Date: 22.03.2004
Location: In a land where I don't have to stay
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Originally Posted by dottie
I feel low, everyone wants a bite of me, feel like I'm surrounded by leeches, and its ironic in a way that they are all very close to me, but I still feel very alone, until I come on here, then I'm happy for a while.

Whats happened to me? Where is me? How do I make time for me?

Need my life back maybe a solitary one at that! Who knows.

How do I stop crying when the very person who can help me stop, is the one that started me in the first place?

Thats my truthful thought for the day, I hope tomorrow things seem a little brighter.......
BIG hug Dottie!

I suppose the answer is to gather some strength, then tell them how much you love and need them. Their response says all...
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