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roomster 09 Dec 2016 16:06


Originally Posted by eltmatt (Post 619598)
I too wish Tyce wouldn't preach so much about politics and I'm from the UK.

Me too. And I'm from Norway... ;-)

I have been really looking forward to Tyce Greens new Steinman-album and started following him on Facebook a while ago, but he have now posted so many political postings and bashed Trump and his supporters so many times that I have lost all of my anticipation for his new record...

It seems to me that Tyce Green have higher ambitions to be a politician than a musician...

loaferman61 09 Dec 2016 17:05


Originally Posted by roomster (Post 619599)
Me too. And I'm from Norway... ;-)

I have been really looking forward to Tyce Greens new Steinman-album and started following him on Facebook a while ago, but he have now posted so many political postings and bashed Trump and his supporters so many times that I have lost all of my anticipation for his new record...

It seems to me that Tyce Green have higher ambitions to be a politician than a musician...

I agree, I started to mention it before but didn't want to be the one who starts the riot. I am fine with everyone holding their own beliefs and I respect them. That said if I want to hear you sing, then sing. I don't need to hear your politics. It will cost you money when you are in a job that operates off public perception.

Meat made one appearance in his career and because he wasn't on the side most were on he got roundly bashed and mentioned that he lost some promotional bookings. He also specifically declined to even comment this past election. Meanwhile Cher, Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen all get up on stage and spout their politics with no real consequence that I can see.

The people above have established careers, and losing some sales won't hurt them any. Tyce does not. It is fine that he has passionate opinions but even if someone is constantly on Facebook and other social media talking politics (even when I agree with their views) I really am thinking like be an entertainer promote your songs and your career right now.

Agree or disagree with me that is fine, it is still a fact that people do notice this stuff and it sticks in their minds. A negative perception is not good, especially when you are trying to make a first impression.

It should be all about the songs and his budding career IMO.

Adje 09 Dec 2016 18:35

Well here is my opinion. Coming from someone who has stated earlier that I would not buy his album and who does agree with his political beliefs.

So here I am, seeing this artist that makes music which is not my thing. Then I read how he puts my political thoughts on paper (or facebook) and I think, good for you man. That's what I think, those are my words. Thumbs Up!

Still, his music is not my cup of tea and when I see his album in the store I won't think "Hey he's anti-Trump like me, I buy his record." Nope, in fact when I see his album I remind myself that I'm not a fan of how he performes the songs and I will buy something else. Something I think I might like.

So what has Tyce gained from sharing my political ideas? Nothing.

Now if I would have been a Trump suporter from the beginning and saw this Tyce guy and think "Wow someone new who does Steinman songs. Gotta buy this..." I would be excited.

Then I would read his posts, putting me, as a Trump suporter, in a corner and basically insultng my choice and my judgement. I would see his album in the stores and my mind would not unlikely be "Oh yeah, the new Steinman guy. What a pretentious prick he is. Not going to suport that guy's career"

So what did he gain now? Exactly...

No one buys your album because you share the same political views. But you might lose potential buyers by being so strong opose them.

As Loaferman said, when you're an established artist you can handle it. When you're starting a career it's unwise to start it with a fight. Especially when you come from a divided country as the U.S. at this moment.

If you want to make a point that Trump isn't your guy. If you are that political involved at the start of your music career, chose a different path. An uplifting path. And instead of putting Trump voters in a corner say something in the line as "Okay I am upset by the elections but now we must all work together to make this country work for everybody" Then you made both your point and you haven't alienate people the way you're doing now.

And I don't just blame Tyce. He is a kid. But his management and perhaps even the producers of the album should have stopped him. He needs to be guided in this jungle not left on a deserted road by himself.

AndrewG 09 Dec 2016 21:48

Interesting chain of thought Adje.

Besides Meat Loaf the only other artist I saw handle the result/election well were The Piano Guys. They put out a simple statement on Nov 8th:


No matter who becomes the next President of this great nation, it's gonna be OKAY
And then linked to their song "It's gonna be okay".

Much more clever, positive and apt for a band that needs every sale and like to continue to do what they like to do and are good at.

I think it might be an age thing with Tyce. And to be fair he is not the only one doing this but it simply isn't clever. I think this is happening also since social media is so easy to relate your messages across. And also what you write can be taken out of context easily or taken without a pinch of salt or can just come across as cold or rude which we see happening on this forum sometimes too.

Still I wouldn't want to have been all excited to have seen Tyce live without social media virtue signalling and then get a half hour political lecture at his show. So either way I think certainly artists early on in their careers need to try to be less polarising if possible. At least if they want to make their art more important than their politics that is.

The only thing you can really control is who/what YOU vote for. Getting too upset about what others vote for well eventually is just going to depress you I think. There are tons of things in the world I don't agree with but jumping up and down about it is only going to annoy myself and not going to change anyone's opinion. If I really wanted to make a difference politically I need to run as local councillor and see where that gets me. Maybe one day...

I know it is maybe easier said than done but a more humble approach if you really want to deviate away from your art for a while and get someone to do something is better I reckon and can give more immediate positive results:
Here is Bob, he is running a marathon to help his neighbour buy a new bike because his old one got stolen & can't afford a new one, please help him by donating...

Bob happy, Tyce happy and his supporters & not yet supporters impressed.

That sort of stuff...

I'm not saying Tyce hasn't done this (to be fair I haven't checked all his posts). But this kind of thing getting lost in amongst the Trump hate still doesn't help regardless.

PanicLord 09 Dec 2016 23:19

So here's my buying process...

Do I want to own that music?
Yes = buys it
No = doesn't

mindnick1 10 Dec 2016 00:17


Originally Posted by PanicLord (Post 619604)
So here's my buying process...

Do I want to own that music?
Yes = buys it
No = doesn't

Yes totally agree....very simple process

"Someone must have blessed us when he gave us those songs"

Remeber those words and listen to todays Music when artists like Beyonce get nominated for best Rock....its sad, but if we dont get behind live proper music and albums our kids will never know the real deal....


CarylB 10 Dec 2016 00:28


Originally Posted by mindnick1 (Post 619582)
Braver was recorded months before we heard Meats, ....

But we knew 2 years ago Meat was recording this as part of his new album with Jim .. Warrio and those who have queried it have a valid point imo

ashkent7 10 Dec 2016 01:20


Originally Posted by CarylB (Post 619607)
But we knew 2 years ago Meat was recording this as part of his new album with Jim .. Warrio and those who have queried it have a valid point imo

Braver Than We Are is also on Karine's album in October...Three versions of the same song in a year. Does that matter to me? Not really. There are songs released multiple times in a short space of time regularly now.

For me three versions means just that...three different interpretations in three different worlds of what is one of Jim's best pieces in my opinion. I don't speak German but the theatrics of the Tanz version and the choral final pass mean i listen to it regularly. Although I try to play Meat's album from end to end, if I'm in the car I get to the end of Going All The Way and think, go on then one more time, so I wouldn't have any qualms playing all four versions of the song back to back.

Different voices, different productions and styles, same core amazing song. There's a reason why some songs continually are released by different artists and it's usually because they are genuinely great songs. Braver or Going All The Way is around or over 10 minutes of constant lyrical and musical change which for me means there is a lot that can be interpreted to make entirely individual versions. It's the reason I will listen to the same song by Meat, Pandora's Box, Jim, Celine, Barry Manilow, Boyzone, The Everly's, Rory and anyone else you can name. Each one takes you on a different journey. Generally, the voice is only a small part of why i listen to songs, the rest is made up by the songs themselves, and these are eternal.

Anyone who say only found Meat's work now and looked up a song, would find that there are maybe three versions of some. It doesn't matter when historically there are multiple versions of a song, no one says let's check the dates that these were released; retrospect takes that away. Just because I happen to be listening now, in real time when Tyce and Karine's versions are released, it's no different to discovering all three in say ten years time. There will still be three different versions whether they are released in a week of each other or a decade.

Today's post was brought to you by the phrase "different versions". :cool:

mindnick1 10 Dec 2016 02:29


Originally Posted by ashkent7 (Post 619610)
Braver Than We Are is also on Karine's album in October...Three versions of the same song in a year. Does that matter to me? Not really. There are songs released multiple times in a short space of time regularly now.

For me three versions means just that...three different interpretations in three different worlds of what is one of Jim's best pieces in my opinion. I don't speak German but the theatrics of the Tanz version and the choral final pass mean i listen to it regularly. Although I try to play Meat's album from end to end, if I'm in the car I get to the end of Going All The Way and think, go on then one more time, so I wouldn't have any qualms playing all four versions of the song back to back.

Different voices, different productions and styles, same core amazing song. There's a reason why some songs continually are released by different artists and it's usually because they are genuinely great songs. Braver or Going All The Way is around or over 10 minutes of constant lyrical and musical change which for me means there is a lot that can be interpreted to make entirely individual versions. It's the reason I will listen to the same song by Meat, Pandora's Box, Jim, Celine, Barry Manilow, Boyzone, The Everly's, Rory and anyone else you can name. Each one takes you on a different journey. Generally, the voice is only a small part of why i listen to songs, the rest is made up by the songs themselves, and these are eternal.

Anyone who say only found Meat's work now and looked up a song, would find that there are maybe three versions of some. It doesn't matter when historically there are multiple versions of a song, no one says let's check the dates that these were released; retrospect takes that away. Just because I happen to be listening now, in real time when Tyce and Karine's versions are released, it's no different to discovering all three in say ten years time. There will still be three different versions whether they are released in a week of each other or a decade.

Today's post was brought to you by the phrase "different versions". :cool:

Fantastic post, you saved me 20 mins typing out the exact same responce!!

letsgotoofar 10 Dec 2016 03:22

And if anybody thinks all three will have substantially the same lyrics or arrangement, think again. Tanz alone proves there's more than one way to skin this particular cat.

rockfenris2005 10 Dec 2016 12:07

My thoughts from the bits I've heard:

The tracks are phenomenal.
Tyce isn't doing it for me, I'm afraid. If it was Karine singing, on the other hand... :shock:


PanicLord 10 Dec 2016 12:42


Originally Posted by CarylB (Post 619607)
But we knew 2 years ago Meat was recording this as part of his new album with Jim .. Warrio and those who have queried it have a valid point imo

I'm pretty sure in the 60s lots of people used to do versions of the same song at the same time.

Buy the ones you like or are interested in. Ignore the others.

Simples :)

Meat Loaf_fan 10 Dec 2016 20:01

:shock: I didn't know that this thread was about politics ...

Anyway - I will wait patient till February, because from samples on Tyce Facebook page, I know that new album has fantastic songs and very good singer. :-)

byo1975 10 Dec 2016 20:43


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 619601)
Well here is my opinion. Coming from someone who has stated earlier that I would not buy his album and who does agree with his political beliefs.

So here I am, seeing this artist that makes music which is not my thing. Then I read how he puts my political thoughts on paper (or facebook) and I think, good for you man. That's what I think, those are my words. Thumbs Up!

Still, his music is not my cup of tea and when I see his album in the store I won't think "Hey he's anti-Trump like me, I buy his record." Nope, in fact when I see his album I remind myself that I'm not a fan of how he performes the songs and I will buy something else. Something I think I might like.

So what has Tyce gained from sharing my political ideas? Nothing.

Now if I would have been a Trump suporter from the beginning and saw this Tyce guy and think "Wow someone new who does Steinman songs. Gotta buy this..." I would be excited.

Then I would read his posts, putting me, as a Trump suporter, in a corner and basically insultng my choice and my judgement. I would see his album in the stores and my mind would not unlikely be "Oh yeah, the new Steinman guy. What a pretentious prick he is. Not going to suport that guy's career"

So what did he gain now? Exactly...

No one buys your album because you share the same political views. But you might lose potential buyers by being so strong opose them.

As Loaferman said, when you're an established artist you can handle it. When you're starting a career it's unwise to start it with a fight. Especially when you come from a divided country as the U.S. at this moment.

If you want to make a point that Trump isn't your guy. If you are that political involved at the start of your music career, chose a different path. An uplifting path. And instead of putting Trump voters in a corner say something in the line as "Okay I am upset by the elections but now we must all work together to make this country work for everybody" Then you made both your point and you haven't alienate people the way you're doing now.

And I don't just blame Tyce. He is a kid. But his management and perhaps even the producers of the album should have stopped him. He needs to be guided in this jungle not left on a deserted road by himself.


mindnick1 11 Dec 2016 00:52


Originally Posted by Meat Loaf_fan (Post 619626)
:shock: I didn't know that this thread was about politics ...

Anyway - I will wait patient till February, because from samples on Tyce Facebook page, I know that new album has fantastic songs and very good singer. :-)

Its not for me and i wont discuss politcs with anyone, i suppose if you want to discuss politcs then sounds like Tyce Greens page is a good place to start, thanks for the kind words, i promise you no dissapointment, its about the music and the love of jims songs......something we ALL have in common on this site....amazing that we all can agree on that.....totally understand that Tyce may not be for all of us, thats fine and called taste.....he is a young lad and doing well for himself.......

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