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ThatWriterGuy 28 Nov 2016 14:00


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 619376)
Wasn't the musical supposed to move to London later next year? Is the earlier move perhaps an indication of poor sales in Manchester?

Not in the slightest. Manchester is pretty much the test run, and there will be significant changes between both runs. The date shift is down to logistics only, which - as is my understanding - has nothing to do with sales.


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 619376)
I'm a bit apprehensive about this musical to be honest. I will probably go at some point. But the story sounds like Shrek.

No, it doesn't. Maybe the PLOT sounds like Shrek (to you), but there are only 7 basic plots that encompass everything you've ever seen or read before. So, go figure :roll:


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 619376)
I hope there is a bit more to it because beyond gimmicks and good songs I ultimately think the story is really centrepiece. These days I like the fact that musical writers have been a bit more daring to look beyond the simple guy rescuing a girl and match made in heaven as the main driving force love story (see Wicked & Frozen).

How's totalitarianism, an epic battle between 'good and evil', and a commentary on the widening gulf of alienation between social generations strike you?

Because that's just the beginning.


NOTE: Whoever is taking my posts and copying them onto FB (and other places) -- please don't. I drop this information for THIS community only. If I see it again -- I'll stop and I won't post here (which would be a shame, as we're rapidly approaching a time where I CAN divulge some of the things I've been working on. I'm not supposed to do this until AFTER the musical has come out and everybody has seen it, so -- CAN IT! Okay?).

Adje 28 Nov 2016 16:42


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619377)

NOTE: Whoever is taking my posts and copying them onto FB (and other places) -- please don't. I drop this information for THIS community only. If I see it again -- I'll stop and I won't post here Okay?).

I just copied your post all over my fb. And my wife's fb, and my 2nd account fb and my third account fb (that I only created to copy this) and accounts of people I had the fb password off.

You should have told me earlier it would be this easy...


ThatWriterGuy 28 Nov 2016 17:34


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 619378)
I just copied your post all over my fb. And my wife's fb, and my 2nd account fb and my third account fb (that I only created to copy this) and accounts of people I had the fb password off.

You should have told me earlier it would be this easy...


Never a problem, Adje! And besides, I just returned the favour and forwarded Meat your Youtube channel and your website, and all of those other little outlets you have containing your vast archive of illegal bootleg recordings, and suggested that he 'administer extreme action' (read: 'shut them down') ;)

P.S. These replies -- which used to be quite amusing -- are tiresome, and getting old.
Quit while you're ahead.

Adje 28 Nov 2016 17:53


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619379)
P.S. These replies -- which used to be quite amusing -- are tiresome, and getting old.
Quit while you're ahead.

I wish I could. But okay, on a serious note, you're complaint makes not much sense (to me)

You post in an area were unregistered visitors can also see. Basically it's an open board and claiming it's something that should stay on here is quite naieve (and even a bit hypocritical).

In all honesty, if you want to share something that is not going to leave this place, you should consider PM-ing people or just accept that this is the world wide web ;) If people see newsworth in your post you can count on it they are going to re-post it.

nightinr 28 Nov 2016 18:40

I'm with Adje on this one. If you dont want people to know don't post it.

As for threatening Adje with action re his fantastic YouTube channel that is appreciated by many - please grow up!!!

ThatWriterGuy 28 Nov 2016 18:47


Originally Posted by nightinr (Post 619381)
As for threatening Adje with action re his fantastic YouTube channel that is appreciated by many - please grow up!!!

That was a joke :roll: (just like your comment above).


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 619380)
You post in an area were unregistered visitors can also see. Basically it's an open board and claiming it's something that should stay on here is quite naieve (and even a bit hypocritical).

It isn't hypocritical -- I've never posted anything from this site on any other form of social media to date (in fact, I don't even use any other form of social media personally).


Originally Posted by Adje (Post 619380)
In all honesty, if you want to share something that is not going to leave this place, you should consider PM-ing people or just accept that this is the world wide web ;) If people see newsworth in your post you can count on it they are going to re-post it.

I do take your point on 'sharing' and the nature of some of those who post on this forum (and it did come from a regular poster). I guess it teaches me for trying to share some of this stuff. As such, I don't have the time for this draining and frankly incredibly tedious game of rhetoric. It makes it incredibly hard for me to contribute to this forum. So I'm going to have to say that: [I]"this will be my last post here for quite some time" [/I].

I know it's a game of 'bait the bear', 'see who can get an inflammatory response from trollish comments' to you, Adje -- which is why I don't reply for the majority of the time, because it's so transparent that it just becomes tedious -- but for me this is my career, and there's slightly more at stake than killing some time on the Internet by acting like a child. I just don't have the time or the drive for it right now. But hey, I know I won't lose any sleep over it.

It's a shame in a lot of ways, because it spoils it for those who actually do care about this musical and are interested in the creative side of how it all came together (among other things). I've enjoyed talking with those people the past few months, and I look forward to seeing you at the show.

Hopefully I'll catch some of you in Manchester/London in 2017 (except for Adje ... who isn't interested in the show yet constantly posts in this thread anyway).

Peace out :cool:

Adje 28 Nov 2016 19:07


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619382)
It isn't hypocritical -- I've never posted anything from this site on any other form of social media to date (in fact, I don't even use any other form of social media personally).

I actully meant, having inside info, sharing it here and don't want it to go out ;-)


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619382)
I do take your point on 'sharing' and the nature of some of those who post on this forum (and it did come from a regular poster). I guess it teaches me for trying to share some of this stuff. As such, I don't have the time for this draining and frankly incredibly tedious game of rhetoric, so I'm going to have to say that: [I]"this will be my last post here for quite some time" [/I]. There you go, it's even in quotation marks for dramatic effect :roll:

Tbh, I don't understand your dramatic decision. But it's not up to me anyway


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619382)
I know it's a game or 'bait the bear', 'see who can get an inflammatory response from trollish comments' to you, Adje -- which is why I don't reply for the majority of the time, because it's so transparent that it just becomes tedious -- but for me this is my career, and there's slightly more at stake than killing some time on the Internet by acting like a child. I just don't have the time or the drive for it right now. But hey, I know I won't lose any sleep over it.

Well you know me and thus I am sure you know I don't intend to troll you. They are meant as friendly stabs. Didn't know you took it that seriously until your earlier post. I don't intend to annoy you man. That said, it is your career but you go to a place where people are free to put their thought on it. Again, yes I think the musical is not going to work. But most of my responses should be taken with a pinch of salt. My way of trying to humor you, because I do know that the musical is a big deal to you. So basically I try to cut the edges a bit. I thought you'd knew this.


Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy (Post 619382)
It's a shame in a lot of ways, because it spoils it for those who actually do care about this musical and are interested in the creative side of how it all came together (among other things). I've enjoyed talking with those people the past few months, and I look forward to seeing you at the show.

Hopefully I'll catch some of you in Manchester/London in 2017 (except for Adje ... who isn't interested in the show yet constantly posts in this thread anyway).

Peace out :cool:

Again, you knew from the start you'd not only get the yay- sayers here. But if it means that much to you, keep posting for the people that are interested. I won't respond to your posts again, in any form.

But one last stab because your last remark asked for it (and I hope you can see the humor in it)
You probbably catch them all in Manchester. Not me as you said, but I bet it shouldn't be hard to personally welcome the 20+ people that are actually going.

That said, and I do mean this. I am happy you do something you are passionate about. And I am happy it works for you. Just like Wario, who says to get heat for his performances. So what. You managed to (I assume) make a job out of your hobby and do what you really want. And I salute you for that, man. I hope this will be the start of much more for you ;) :cool:

letsgotoofar 28 Nov 2016 19:32

Normally I would understand, TWG, especially knowing each other as we do, but I must say, while I disagree with his tone (which, in spite of his explanation, can seem off at times) and his misgivings about the show (though I admit I am not the most confident about its prospects myself), Adje's got a point, in that:

There are many sections of MLUKFC that are off-limits to unregistered guests, but this forum and this thread are not one of them. Anybody -- be they Meat fans, Jim fans, fans of both, or people who wandered in because they wanted to know more about Fred :-P -- can come here, read it, and post it in other places, and they don't even necessarily have to be members of the forum (which is why advising people who are members of MLUKFC not to share information in other places, at least in this particular instance, is kind of a waste of breath). (To my knowledge, the person who posted the information is not a regular poster here, or at least not that I'm aware of. I did comment on it when they shared the info, if that may be the source of confusion.)

If you want to keep information from leaking, then the best way to do that is to do just that -- say nothing, or at least say nothing publicly. (Which is something I have learned at my peril, even though the entertainment industry is full of announcements about projects, or aspects thereof, that never came to be; witness tons of stuff in Jim's career as an example.) But if your enthusiasm is going to outweigh your ability to do that, then you have to accept the fact that if you post this information in an area of the forum that anyone can access, anyone can (and will) share the information elsewhere. (Hell, people are just as casual about stuff in members-only sections of the forum as we learned recently with Meat's post a while back in the Braver forum, so this shouldn't be that surprising.)

While I wish you wouldn't go, if you understand all this and still wish not to post, I do understand.

stretch37 28 Nov 2016 20:18


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 619384)
Normally I would understand, TWG, especially knowing each other as we do, but I must say, while I disagree with his tone (which, in spite of his explanation, can seem off at times) and his misgivings about the show (though I admit I am not the most confident about its prospects myself), Adje's got a point, in that:

There are many sections of MLUKFC that are off-limits to unregistered guests, but this forum and this thread are not one of them. Anybody -- be they Meat fans, Jim fans, fans of both, or people who wandered in because they wanted to know more about Fred :-P -- can come here, read it, and post it in other places, and they don't even necessarily have to be members of the forum (which is why advising people who are members of MLUKFC not to share information in other places, at least in this particular instance, is kind of a waste of breath). (To my knowledge, the person who posted the information is not a regular poster here, or at least not that I'm aware of. I did comment on it when they shared the info, if that may be the source of confusion.)

If you want to keep information from leaking, then the best way to do that is to do just that -- say nothing, or at least say nothing publicly. (Which is something I have learned at my peril, even though the entertainment industry is full of announcements about projects, or aspects thereof, that never came to be; witness tons of stuff in Jim's career as an example.) But if your enthusiasm is going to outweigh your ability to do that, then you have to accept the fact that if you post this information in an area of the forum that anyone can access, anyone can (and will) share the information elsewhere. (Hell, people are just as casual about stuff in members-only sections of the forum as we learned recently with Meat's post a while back in the Braver forum, so this shouldn't be that surprising.)

While I wish you wouldn't go, if you understand all this and still wish not to post, I do understand.

Honestly, those that have been here for awhile probably feel like this place is a tad more than "Just another place on the Internet". Fact is, much of what used to be said here would stay here. Meat would even come here and tell us things that he didn't want others to know yet.

If TWG is willing to share something, it means this place is somewhat special to him. I wouldn't take offense to that. Either agree to honor the ethical rule he's politely asking you to follow, or say you're unwilling. Everybody deserves to have healthy boundaries, we're all adults here and we can all decide what we're willing to do to compromise. Sorry if that sounds a bit cold to Adje - After all, we all find certain websites with up-to-date Meat Loaf information quite useful and exciting - but it wasn't meant that way. Perhaps some sort of a delay before reporting, agreed upon with TWG?

eltmatt 30 Nov 2016 13:31

This all seems rather over the top, I don't see the point in sharing anything from here. I am interested in the creative side of the musical.

CarylB 30 Nov 2016 15:58


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 619384)
If you want to keep information from leaking, then the best way to do that is to do just that -- say nothing, or at least say nothing publicly.

Truth right there. Always was, and with the advent of the internet never more so. I have a handful of very close friends who can keep a secret .. beyond that you are into the realms of a secret being something you tell everyone in confidence ;)

I am reminded of the old exchange in reply to a question from another ..
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes, absolutely!"
"So can I" ..... end of conversation ;)

ashkent7 07 Dec 2016 22:06

So Everything Louder and All Revved Up are both in the musical as one song.

Wario 11 Dec 2016 17:34


Originally Posted by ashkent7 (Post 619549)
So Everything Louder and All Revved Up are both in the musical as one song.

interesting... thats clever both musically and thematically.

a horny teenager (revved) and a pothead (louder).

am i the only one who listens to Louder and thinks its a pothead giving a middle figure to authoritah.

letsgotoofar 11 Dec 2016 18:11


Originally Posted by ashkent7 (Post 619549)
So Everything Louder and All Revved Up are both in the musical as one song.

I believe this is an assumption based on an old demo which recently surfaced that may not reflect the current reality. While it may very well be possible, we don't know that for sure, so I wouldn't commit to that thought.

Danny L 11 Dec 2016 18:32

Rehearsals start TOMORROW! It's happening...

ashkent7 12 Dec 2016 14:23


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 619641)
I believe this is an assumption based on an old demo which recently surfaced that may not reflect the current reality. While it may very well be possible, we don't know that for sure, so I wouldn't commit to that thought.

Jim confirmed that the demo (which was originally for the previous Bat incarnation) is the arrangement that is the Bat Musical.

letsgotoofar 12 Dec 2016 16:36

Is it in one of those Facebook threads of comments that I can't be arsed to look through with any degree of depth? That's probably why I missed it.

ashkent7 13 Dec 2016 20:34


Originally Posted by letsgotoofar (Post 619648)
Is it in one of those Facebook threads of comments that I can't be arsed to look through with any degree of depth? That's probably why I missed it.

Ha. Yes it was.

AndrewG 13 Dec 2016 21:03

Jim's Facebook is a nightmare with Pat Cessaro tagging him every 2 seconds.

letsgotoofar 21 Dec 2016 20:17

To add something vaguely relevant, here is a demo mock-up of what the new "All Revved Up Louder Than Everything Else" (as I call it) may sound like in the musical:

YouTube Video

Danny L 21 Dec 2016 20:56

I love Meat but I'd take out the bit from Everything Louder.

Too jarring otherwise I lvoe the new lyrics

loaferman61 21 Dec 2016 21:23


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 619664)
Jim's Facebook is a nightmare with Pat Cessaro tagging him every 2 seconds.

LOL. I seldom look at Jim's Facebook but I have noticed that too.

letsgotoofar 23 Dec 2016 04:56


Originally Posted by Danny L (Post 619725)
I love Meat but I'd take out the bit from Everything Louder.

Too jarring otherwise I lvoe the new lyrics

Well, it's important to note that you're only hearing a demo there. The full version may be better orchestrated, it may seem more organic than being cut and paste together as it was here. Think of it as a paint-by-numbers canvas without all the colors in. It may look better once you see the painting.

Danny L 23 Dec 2016 21:07

True true

Looks like 'Revved Up Neverland' is confirmed

Danny L 04 Jan 2017 01:14

Just over 6 weeks to go.

And there's talk of Meat recording BODY for the soundtrack

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